A combination of work and rest 
Keeps your head in a total mess 
Just like we're all supposed to be 
A part of this sick society 
Where they give you a rest three weeks a year 
To fill yourself with drugs and beer 
The rest of the time it's time for work 
The junky turns into a jerk 
The government don't really give a toss 
Unemployment isn't such a loss 
Keep the dole proles on the poverty line 
Or stick 'em in the army to kill the time 
The majority of people are treated like shit 
Only the minority realize it conformist doctrine, 
Ethical lies have you ever seen anyone slowly die? 
There's so much crap you can reject 
By giving yourself some self-respect 
Don't believe what you're told is true 
Find out for yourself 'cos there's only you 
Take to pieces your inbred thoughts 
Examine the morals you've been taught 
Don't believe it, it's all a con 
Everything you think is wrong! 
Don't believe it! 
But don't take my word for it